Monday, June 24, 2013

Buying tips for xbox 360 4gb or 250gb? (Philippines)

I've been receiving many questions on whether to buy a 4gb xbox 360 or with a 250gb HDD Here's my answer, in any gadget/computer/console/ etc... that you will buy it is always better to have a bigger storage.

"The more memory you have, the better" 

"If you have the budget go for the 250gb xbox"

"If you can't afford it right now, its ok."
You can still upgrade your memory in the future

Some of you might disagree and say that
"You don't really need a bigger memory because you can delete and just put it back in blah blah" 
Note: I know that there are other alternatives 

This is only my opinion, it is still up to you. If you have the budget, go for the extra memory, but if you think you will be not needing extra storage, then go for the 4gb Xbox 360. Don't worry you will be able to upgrade your memory in the future (like I did).

This was my experience, I bought a 4gb Xbox 360 kinect bundle early last year 2012 for PHP14,800, After playing for 2 months I noticed that I needed more storage for game add-ons and saves, since I also buy arcade games from the xbox market place for my kinect like fruit ninja and hole in the wall, I noticed that my 4gb of internal memory was almost full and It was making my console load slower.

Eventually I bought an xbox 320gb media storage for around PHP4,800 in iTech Market Market branch so adding it all up I spent around (14,800+4,800)  = 19,600 by that time the Xbox with 250gb cost around P17,000+ well my storage was 320gb not 250gb so basically I paid around P2,600 for an extra 70gb of storage but nevertheless its still 70gb you can put a lot of stuff with that like movies music etc..

The first thing I noticed is that it really loads alot faster especially with RPG games and somehow, my console was a more quiet compared when it only had the 4gb internal memory. Lag was also reduced during online gameplay (this will still depend on you ISP).

To sum it all up, here are some of the benefits of having an HDD

Faster loading speed 

    - Based on my experience the xbox 360 with HDD loads faster compared to Playsation 3. I've tried it, since I'm also a PS3 owner.

More space for add-ons

    - Trust me you’ll be needing this especially if you want to download games like fruit ninja and other arcade games. You can also download themes and other stuff from the xbox marketplace.

Store more Game Demos

   - Now you can download more demos, well almost everyone wants to have a demo before buying a game, You can also tryout game demos before they get released so you can see if its really worth it.

Store more media

   - Now with bigger memory you can now store HD Movies and Music this is very helpful especially if your TV has no USB port for you external hardrive (well almost every LED/LCD tv has one) this will act as your DVD/Music player for your TV if you like.

Enjoy other game features

   - Some game features requires HDD like Autodance for Justdance 3 and 4 (Try to google autodance or search it in Youtube)

There are other benefits, but I think this will be enough to help you decide, because this were the major reasons why I upgraded my memory.


1) Hey Lou what if I don't have the budget right now?

"Don't worry, like I said awhile ago, you will be able to upgrade your memory in the future" 

2) Can I use a temporary flash drive until I can get an 250/320gb HDD?
    Can I use a flash drive instead?

"YES! you can use a Flash drive this will also speed up your games, just make sure you only buy/use a 16gb flash drive. I don't know right now if the xbox will support 32gb flash drives" 

3) I have a spare HDD from my PC can I use it instead?

"YES! you just need an HDD enclosure for the xbox (take note HDD ENCLOSURE FOR XBOX NOT FOR PC) after that you need to reformat it and use a program/hack so your xbox will be able to recognize your improvised xbox media HDD. 

-Their are guides in youtube that will teach you how to do this 

4) If I plan to do #3 where can I buy an HDD enclosure for my xbox

Well you can try to find sellers at 

5) Where can I buy the cheapest Xbox media HDD 

You will be able to get a discount if you pay in cash

- Datablitz 
- iTech 
- Gameonegadget

You can also try online sellers from

(warlock360 from pinoyxbox sells refurbished HDD's for a cheaper price ORIGINAL) 

You can also check my youtube channel I uploaded a video on how to install and setup you new HDD for your Xbox 360  ""

I hope this will help you decide don't forget to like, share and leave a comment! :D 

If you have other questions just like my page, subscribe to my youtube channel or follow me on twitter

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